Friday, March 17, 2006

Five reasons to register now

Al Kapoor and Sanjay Kadaveru, the co-chairs of the organizing committee, gave a very strong reason yesterday for you to register right away. Only the first 400 registrants will be able to reserve a seat in the special pre-event reception with Clayton Christensen - “How to predict whether your idea would succeed or fail.”

However, for those of you who are planning to attend, but have not registered yet, here are four more reasons why you should register now:

  1. TiECON East is organized entirely by a group of volunteers. The longer you hold off on registering, the more we have to focus on marketing/advertising. Not only does this cost money, it also takes away valuable time of our volunteers who would rather focus on making the conference itself better, than making phone calls or sending reminders to you - not the best utilization of our talents/time. For instance, I would rather do the research to tell you about how to improve venture capital activity or how to start your networking now or why we need need new business models for India, than to write posts like this one. In order to keep attracting the best pool of volunteers each year, we want to make sure that they get to work on challenging assignments and focus on what is important.
  2. TiECON is a not a profit-making machine. Whatever money we can save in marketing/advertising will help you, the conference, and the organization.
  3. We do not have rigid cancellation policies. If you register now and realize later that you cannot attend the conference, just call the TiE Boston office. We are very accommodating.
  4. And finally, while TiE gets a hundred bucks less if you sign up now, everyone is still better off if you register early.

Posted by Jay Dwivedi

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